I've been noticing birds all day. Robins hopping on my lawn, pigeons trying to land in the oddest places, a pair of ducks bathing in a very large puddle in the park, cardinals arguing, sparrows taking dust baths and raucous jays.
When I opened my inbox this evening, I discovered that someone whose quilts I admire and whose blog I follow, nominated me for a Sunshine Award. It is for “bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere”. Thank you! I visited the Brooklyn Quilter, to see what the award was about and found more birds. Flitting from her chandelier! Go see for yourself.
As an award nominee, I'm supposed to do a few things.
Post the award picture and write about it
Thank and link to the nominating blogger
Answer ten questions ( which varied depending on where I looked ) - I mixed them up to suit me - and
Pass on the Sunshine Award to a " variable " number of bloggers you admire, link and let them know.
Pass on the Sunshine Award to a " variable " number of bloggers you admire, link and let them know.
- Favorite Color - Green. When I was a teen, I was obsessed with frogs. I had clothing with frog prints, frog jewelry and green platform shoes. It was a fairy tale thing.
- Favorite Animal - Birds. They make me smile.
- Favorite Number - Lucky Seven. Go to Heaven.
- Favorite Movie - Too difficult. But I would be least likely to watch slapstick. Think old Woody Allen and the Three Stooges.
- Favorite Author - Refuse to choose. Annie Dillard and Barbara Kingsolver are my front runners.
- Comfort Food - Spaghetti and meatballs with parmesan cheese. Every time.
- Favorite Drink - Gimme Coffee with half and half, no shuggah.
- Dream Vacation - Whatever National Park my son is working in.
- Favorite Day of the Week - Thursday. It is when the weekend seems so full of promise.
- Favorite Flower - Magnolias, even though they can break my heart. In Brooklyn, they bloom in early spring and can fall victim to the vicissitudes of the weather.

A bit like a chain so I hope that flattery gets you everywhere!
Blogs I'm nominating:
May at Confessions of a Fabraholic because it is her Anniversary and I was her first follower and now she has more than ME!
Sheila at Kim McClean Down Under because you will absolutely be blown away by her appliqué and productivity. ANd it is a group blog. Do you think if I had contributors I would sew more? Guest posts anyone?
and Nicky at Mrs Sew and Sow because she is intrepid, and always has something new and beautiful happening.
May at Confessions of a Fabraholic because it is her Anniversary and I was her first follower and now she has more than ME!
Sheila at Kim McClean Down Under because you will absolutely be blown away by her appliqué and productivity. ANd it is a group blog. Do you think if I had contributors I would sew more? Guest posts anyone?
and Nicky at Mrs Sew and Sow because she is intrepid, and always has something new and beautiful happening.